Super adaptive

The extremely fast and agile way of doing projects

Benefit: Sooner results, with less risk and less effort.

The total cycle of 4 steps takes approximately 1-1.5 hours.

Super adaptive is a light weight, common sense approach to innovation.

Step 1


Get the team (does the work and should be able to ship) and stakeholders in a room.

Define: What is our dream? What do we want to achieve?

Prioritize: What should we try now first, as a very first version/first piece, for now? Focus on 1 thing.

Duration: 5-10 minutes

Step 2


Let the team build our first version/first piece in an extremely short cycle of 1 hour. End to end, with all necessary skills in the room.

Focus on 1 thing, build as real as possible, as small as doable in 1 hr. (Forget about the rest, for now :)) Stakeholders can leave.

Duration: 1 hr

Step 3


Stop. Demo the results, team to stakeholders, get feedback and look back, what was good, what needs to be improved?

Duration: 5 minutes

Step 4


Repeat the whole process from step 1, continue until you are satisfied.

Duration: 0 minutes


Sooner results

After 1-2 hours we already have first potentially shippable results. After a day, mostly the work is done and ready to ship. You can now start generating traffic, users, turnover and earn the real effect of the work. This is often an equivalent of 3-4 weeks of work in other processes.


Based on a series of experiment after experiment in order to learn quickly, before we go bigger gradually

Reduce long meetings without effective results

Reduce big plans, that never come true and that are not effective

Reduce endless circles of emails going back and forward 20 times

Be more effective!

Cameo Software development Taiwan : ” The result in 2 hours instead of 3 days”

Asus, product development Taiwan : “The result in 6 weeks, instead of 6 months”

Paula’s choice US: “This result in 4 hrs normally takes us 2 weeks.”

Service offerings with Super adaptive and business agility

Check out all business agility services, for all sizes of businesses and people.

Continuous agility subscription

Have our agility expert trainer available for you and your organisation. Starting from 600 euro per month. Short individual coaching sessions can make a big difference. For agile onboarding of key hires, shaping new initiatives, fix issues. Contact us, for more information.

Super adaptive 6 day training course, the tropical edition

Learn to master business agility and super adaptives during a 6 day training course, in a tropical destination in a small group. Contact us for more information.

Ad hoc (online) training sessions or super adaptive sessions

Sessions to give you quick boosters in agility and have results coming in sooner by Super adaptive. Contact us for more information.


Speed up your start-up by doing Super adaptives with next level business agility. This can also be corporate incubation, new business development programs within larger corporations. Contact us and let’s get started.

Agile transformations

Speed up parts or your whole organisation. Teams will be installed and trained to run themselves in an agile way within 3-5 weeks. This is not organisational restructuring, just teams for speed. The teams then n just need a vision, high level priorities and encouragement. Contact us for more information.

Emergency development

Our expert trainer will help you fix whatever is your development challenge by installing a way of working that speeds things up and makes sure things get done, one priority at a time. This will deliver results from day 1. Contact us for more information.

How To Write Better Advertising Copy

You don’t need to have a full time ecommerce business to earn a little extra money through your website. You don’t even need to be there all the time.

Optimize next-generation bandwidth
Reinvent open-source architectures
Scale 24/7 experiences

Let’s get in touch. Thank you!


Paula’s Choice Europe | Paula’s Choice Seattle USA | Paula’s choice Singapore | Paula’s choice South-Korea | Fingerspitzengefuehl Berlin | Newzoo Amsterdam | Asus Taipei | Trshbg | Usabilla Amsterdam | AholdDelhaize Amsterdam | AH togo Amsterdam | Cameo Software Development Taiwan | National Taipei University of Technology | Tatcha San Francisco

Super adaptive is an invention of Trieu etc, Amsterdam

The total process of super adaptive